Dragon Ball Z Book Review by Oliver

Oliver’s Obviously Outstanding Book Review

Dragon Ball z by Akira Toriyama

Dragon Ball z is a fun adventure that leaves you on the edge of your seat. It is about a “man” who has to protect the Earth and he also wants to fight strong people at the same time. But when his friends are killed he must travel to other planets to find a way of reviving them!

The reasons why I like it:

One of the reasons that I like this book is the fact that it is part of a series so you won’t often feel sad when the story is over. Another one of the many reasons I like this book, is that it is read in a funky way (you read it backwards). The final reason that I am going to mention is that it is really action packed and fun to read.

The reasons why you should read it:

If you are not into reading thick books with hundreds of thousand words yet then you should read this book because it gets a clear message across in many less words. If you are reading this manga, it still counts as reading – you don’t need to read a dictionary sized book for it to be classed as real reading!

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Who would enjoy reading this book?

If you are a person (of any gender) who loves action, adventure, or suspense I would highly recommend this series of books. I would recommend this book for ages of 10+ because it can get a bit gory at times.

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