Book Miles Short Story by Maya Year 7

The Boy Who Had A Second Life by Maya S

It was 1969 and a young boy by the name of Luke was out on a walk with his parents. Like a nine-year-old kid would, he was walking in front of his parents (about a mile or less). They looked away for one second then looked back in front of them to see he was gone. They ran up around the corner to look for him, but he was nowhere to be seen. The mum started stressing out and the dad called the police.

It has been a month since the incident and there was still no trace of the boy so they kept on looking for another three months but still no luck.

They announced the boy was dead.

The parents had lack of sleep and then the mum got an eating disorder because of this. Their neighbours managed to get the mum’s eating disorder solved but they still had lack of sleep.

20 years passed and the dad was in his sixties and the mum in her late fifties. One day new neighbours moved in so they took some cookies around and greeted them. They started to have a conversation and one of the questions asked was, ‘Do you have any kids?’

The mum burst out crying and the dad explained the story. They were sad for them and then said they were expecting. The mum was happy for them but the dad was quite busy in his thoughts so didn’t say anything.

It has been nine years since the birth of the young couple’s baby and the boy was now nine. The boy came to his parents and said, ‘Mum, Dad, I have a past life and at the age of nine when I was called Luke, I was out on a walk with my past parents when suddenly a man took me to a cabin and told me to give him money or I will shoot you. I did not have money do he shot me right in the heart.’ The boy has a birthmark where he got shot in his ‘past life’. His parents were shocked because he was the boy who went missing in 1969. But sadly his past parents had passed away so would not be able to be informed.

The parents contacted the police and they went to the place where the boy went missing. The boy took them to where the mysterious man took him, showed them where he was buried and the gun that killed him was lying in the old cabin. Then they dug up the piece of land where the boy said he was buried and found a skeleton.


‘That is what happened to the boy who has a second life, but I don’t know if it is real, Lucy, so don’t tell everyone in school that it is real, okay?’ said Luke.

‘But Daddy that was your name and you have that birth mark,’ Lucy said angrily.

‘I know, but I could have made it up. Now go to sleep you have a long day ahead of you.’

‘Fine!’ Lucy said. ‘Night.’

‘Night, Lucy.’

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