Book Miles Short Story by Ajay Year 7

A Mysterious Boy by Ajay M

Once upon a time there was a person who loved the wild. Day and night running around the wild, singing as the birds sang back. But for some reason he hides himself every time someone comes near.

It was a nice hot sunny day but it was not going to be a hot sunny day for long. The person was nice and warm but was not okay. His name was Bobby. I have been watching him just in case he needs my help.

But then thunder and lightning and rain was coming down. Because I was in a tree I had to get down just in case I got hit.

Then it happened.

I got hit. I blacked out in like 0.0001 seconds. I opened my eyes. I was somewhere but just lucky to be alive. I was surprised to see the man I had been watching was there making me some soup.

Then I heard him talk for the first time. ‘Have this soup. It will help you,’ the person said.

I had to ask him something important. ‘Why are you here?’ I asked.

The person didn’t reply. I asked again. ‘Why are you here?’

The person said, ‘Enjoy you soup.’

He gave me the soup and ran way. I would have followed him but my body was really bad to move so had to sleep while I wait for my body to heal.

The next day…

The mysterious boy was back again. I felt back to normal now and the mysterious boy looked like he knew that I was healed at that time.

The mysterious boy said, ‘I will help you heal and how did you know I was here?’

I said, ‘I have been try…ing to look after y…ou just in case yo…u nee…ded help.’

And after that I blacked out again.

One week later…

I have been with the mysterious boy for a week and I have not asked for his name.

‘What is your name?’ I asked.

He looked at me like he was going to kill me then he went back to making the soup. The person only came back to make me soup and I won’t see him until tomorrow. I was so confused…

Later that day…

I woke up somewhere different. I was somewhere in the woods. The mysterious boy must have taken me here to hide from me. But I felt weird. I remembered the mysterious boy gave me soup. Then I thought there was something in it.

Then I blacked out. I woke up again and was scared. I kept on blacking out.

I was on a beach now. Then I blacked out again and again. I was always somewhere different each time I blacked out. I was terrified.

Then after weeks of going somewhere different each time I blacked out. I went to my nightmares…

I was scared. I was in my nightmare. I tried to hide but my nightmare is that they know where I am at all times and it was a giant spider. I ran as fast as I could to escape my nightmares but I could not escape it. I just wish I would black out and be somewhere safe from anything. But did I black out to escape or did I stay in my nightmare?

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