Young Sherlock Student Book Review by Dylan

Super Young Sherlock Holmes

Young Sherlock Death Cloud By Andrew Lane

This book is about Sherlock Holmes before he was a legendary detective and just a normal boy! A mystery book perfect for ages between 9-13 years of age. In the first of an 8 book series, he finds himself caught up in a plot to destroy the British Empire. With the help of friends he has to solve the puzzle or his dad dies…

I liked this book because it gives you an insight into Sherlock Holmes’ childhood and why he chose to be a detective.  In it there is a lot of suspense and mystery with a thousand different answers and meanings. A main character in this book is American tutor Amunis Crowe who fine-tunes Sherlock’s impeccable thinking and observation.

Along with the more unbelievable elements of the story, he deals with problems that many people struggle with today like parents at war and poor health across the family. To cap it off there are romance tales, kidnapping and of course useless police!

You should read this book if you’re into mysteries and action involving kids where living an ordinary life is not possible. This book really delves deep into Sherlock’s life and is a great prequel to Sherlock Holmes written by Arthur Conan Doyle.

Written by Dylan in Year 7

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